A study centre of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University has been allotted to Nootan Bharati from 1998 to impart higher education to the educated Sections of the society specially those who are deprived of higher education due to their adverse circumstances. The code number is 1001. the following courses have been started in this centre from 1998.
Date of Establishment : Year – 1998.
Details of Recognition : Affiliated to Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU). National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Affiliated to Government of India.
Mr. Nareshbhai R. Chaudhari (Assi. Co-Ordinator) Dr. Prabhatbhai V. Desai (Co-Ordinator) BAOU Study Centre, Mr. Nareshbhai R. Chaudhari (Incharge Admin) Mr. Dharmeshbhai G. Priyadarshi (Co-Ordinator) NIOS Study Centre, Nootan Bharati Trust, Madana Gadh, Ta. Palanpur, Dist. Banas Kantha. Phone No: 9427262957 E-mail: nareshbhai1175@gmail.com